Our Clubs Committee 

Sydney Recretional Flying Club is a not for profit club which is mangered under the Association act and a set of Model rules.

As a Club we have an elected committee who volunteer there time to managed the clubs affairs. At SRFC our committee is made up of the following postions:

              Sydney Recreational Flying Club Committee 2019/2020


Our President Phil has been a member of SRFC for over 13 years. Growing up with the flying club from the age of 14 Phil has contributed to the club of many years as a vounteer and one of our Level 2 Maintainers. With over 300 hrs flying experience he ensure the club is steered in the direction its members request.

Vice President

Our Vice President and Chief Flying Instructor (CFI) Greg has over 40 years experience in the Aviation industry and is one our founding member of the club.  Greg has over 4500 hrs flying experience and ensure our students are trained and tested to the highest standard.


Peter our Secretary is one of our most decidated members with no job being to big for him. Peter began flying back in the golden era obtaining his PPL in 1971 and command instrument rating in 1982. Peter has flown all around the east coast of Autralia and the entire coatline building up over 3000 hrs total flying time. 


Chris is our loyal Treasuer keeping our budgets and accouts in order.A member of 10 years Chris deicates his time ensuring the club remains on track and financial stable. Chris enjoys flying on expeditions and exploring the vast landscape of NSW

Safety Officer 

Graham is our Safety officer and School Safety Coordinator. Graham brings over 30 years of Safety Coordination to the club ensuring we provide our memebers with a safe club environment. In his spare time Graham is building a Vans RV6. 

Activities Officer 

One of our most enthusatic members is Steve who is our Activites and Social Officer. Steve plans our monthly BBQs and many of our fly aways. When Steve isnt cooking up a storm it is often found travelling the country in his A32 Vixxen "Minx" 

Booking Officer 

Handling our membership enquiries is Robert, Rob has been a member of SRFC for many years, obtaining is RPC.