Flying Rates
As a Volunteer not for profit club our goal is to keep your flying rates as afforable as possible. Remember this is only possible because of our Volunteers and the good will of members.
Trial Instructional Flight
Trial Instructional Flight
This will give you a 30 Minute hands on flying experience with an instructor on board. A TIF is designed to give you a try at Flying an aeroplane without spending loads of money locking yourself into a course. To learn more about a TIF visit our Flight training page
Dual Hire Rates (Training)
Dual Hire Rates (Training)
Our Member rate is just one of the benefits of joing SRFC. This give you a discounted rate.
DUAL MEMBER RATE: $ 200 p/h + $10 landing fee
DUAL MEMBER RATE: $ 200 p/h + $10 landing fee
Private hire/Solo Rates
Private hire/Solo Rates
Once you have complete your training with SRFC you will want to hire out your club aircraft.
Private hire is only for members of Sydney Recreational Flying Club.
PRIVATE HIRE/SOLO RATES $ 155p/h + $10 landing fee
PRIVATE HIRE/SOLO RATES $ 155p/h + $10 landing fee